An Ancient and Alien Forest Reconstructed: A Fossil Challenge for Young-earth Creationists

Fossils often provide us with only a fragmentary view of the distant past but sometimes collections of fossils record ancient and seemingly alien worlds in stunning clarity.   In the past decade several notable fossil discoveries have permitted the reconstruction of entire forest ecosystems that existed at various points in time and space in earth history.   Today,... Continue Reading →

My Letter to the Host of a Local Creation Conference

For many pastors and their congregations, questions about the intersection of science and faith are difficult because of their unfamiliarity with the scientific evidence and the extensive theological literature on Genesis. Hence, they turn to experts to provide answers.  Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis (AiG) seem to provide the answers many Christians wish to... Continue Reading →

A 60,000 Year Varve Record from Japan Refutes the Young-Earth Interpretation of Earth’s History

Do places on Earth exist where annual records have been stored for tens of thousands of years and can be accessed today? Ice-cores and tree rings can preserve long records of yearly events but some of the best records come from layers of sediment underlying some lakes which,  if formed under the right conditions, can be read like the annual rings of... Continue Reading →

Dodging Darwin: How Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter is Slowly Embracing Evolution

As the strict young-earth creationists at Answers in Genesis work to complete their Ark Encounter "theme park," they have expended an impressive amount of energy organizing the millions of species of land animals alive today into a handful of small groups they call "baramins." Creationists insist that while adaptation or speciation within a particular "baramin" is observable (and, indeed, necessary in order to account for the present observed diversity of life), there is never any overlap between separate kinds. Unfortunately for the young-earth model, the push to minimize the number of animals riding on the Ark has exposed a major problem with this view.

Apparent Age: Craters on Mars

This is the first in what will be a series of posts on the "apparent age" or "appearance of age" theory as an explanation for some of the features of the earth and cosmos. There is a long tradition of those that have espoused various forms of apparent age including probably the most famous proponent... Continue Reading →

Volcanic Ash (Tephra): Evidence of the Passage of Time

The following example is derived from several articles involving sediment cores from explosion craters (maars) and their subsequent analysis (See refs at end).  I will assume little geological background in writing this example. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Summary:  Pollen profiles from a 46 meter core from the center of a small explosion crater in South Central France suggest... Continue Reading →

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