Young-Earth Creationism in 2022

Rather than a retrospective on 2021, let's look forward to this year. What is the state of young-earth creationism right now? What events will or could transpire in the coming year that will impact the future acceptance or rejection of young-earth creationism as an interpretative framework for understanding earth's geological and biology history? In this... Continue Reading →

Ignoring the Plank: A Young-Earth Apologist Inadvertently Writes a Brilliant Critique of Young-Earth Creationism

How should a movement dedicated to science denial warn its adherents against the evils of science denial? Young-earth creationism finds itself faced with just this problem as some of its followers slip toward the flat-earth fringe. Answers in Genesis, the leading young-earth apologetics ministry, has responded by critiquing the flat-earth movement in a series of... Continue Reading →

Young-Earth Evolutionists? Talking about Hyper-speciation and Theological Implications

I recently attended the annual meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation held at Wheaton College.   About 300 professional scientists who are professing Christians had gathered to discuss a variety of topics related to science and faith.  Monday morning I delivered my presentation titled:  “Young Earth evolutionists? Adaptation of young-earth creationist models, and implication for the... Continue Reading →

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